A Photo A Week - Personalized Shirt

This week is quite stressful for me due to paranoia but I think it has helped me become a bit mature in handling myself and the situation I'm in. I would love to make a post about the time I deep into the flooded water in front of my office building but I don't have any picture to accompany the post so I'm posting something different. Something about this shirt...
This personalized shirt belongs to my guy. He got this at Boracay during our trip (with his friends) last December. Though he loves this shirt because he is the one who chose the design, he rarely wears it because it is already too small for him.

Last Friday, he wore it to work though. It was when we’re having dinner when he starts complaining about it... that he is no longer comfortable wearing that shirt. While grinning, I asked him to give me that shirt. I thought he is going to say no since it has his name on it. Good thing he agreed to give it to me... not during that very instant of course. :D

This would be his last picture with this shirt on so it is just right to post it on my "a photo a week" series. :D

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