Review: V&M Naturals CPC+G Oil

Serums and oils are now common parts of a woman's beauty regimen. Others even have different kinds of skin serums for different kinds of skin issues. I used to be skeptical about buying such beauty products because I have naturally oily skin and I fear that using them can make my skin more oily.

I learned about CPC+G oil through a long time ago but I did not buy because I wasn't ready to shell out my Php 350 for a product I'm not too sure about. But when it went on sale for half the price off, I decided to finally try this product.

Product Description

CLAIM TO FAME: An "It"-whitening oil treatment that blends four miracle ingredients.

FAST FACTS: Crafted with Japanese camellia, calamansi, papaya, and grapefruit extracts; chock-full of vitamins A, C, and E, potassium, and essential vitamins and minerals.


Packaging and Appearance. Like most serums, the product comes in amber glass bottle with dropper. Amber glass bottles are used because they absorb the harmful UV wavelengths therefore protecting the serum from light damage.

I like that they do what is necessary to maintain the quality of the serum but I have a problem with opening the bottle. I find it hard to twist open the bottle cap especially if it's been with me for a few days. Oftentimes, it takes me a few tries before finally opening the bottle successfully.

The oil is, of course, clear. It has the same consistency as other oil but not as greasy.

Effectiveness. For my underarms, I use it twice a day - morning and night. During daytime, I even use it before my deodorant and thankfully, I didn't had issue with bad body odor. At night, I use it alone after washing.

Like most skin whitening products, CPC+G Oil does not cause dramatic result. Personally, it took a few months before I see desirable effects but I'm okay with it. Before I used up my first bottle, the appearance of chicken skin in my underarms significantly improved. It lightened my underarms too! I knew right then that I'll be buying this product again.

For my face, I typically use it twice a day too. I add a couple of drops to my moisturizer, however, I skip using it in the morning when I'm going out as I'm afraid it will make my skin oily especially when mixed with dust, pollution and other harsh elements outdoors.

CPC+G Oil helped lighten my pimple scars and other dark spots in my face. If only it can help remove warts, this product would have been perfect for me.

Scent. The oil has very faint smell.

Ingredients. The oil contains calamansi, papaya, camellia japonica and grapefruit, thus the CPC+G name.

Price. The product is available in one size only. Regular price for 30ml. bottle is Php 350 but it sometimes go on sale at

Availability. CPC+G Oil is available at V&M Naturals website, and Shopee.


Aspects Rating
Packaging & Appeal
Overall Rating

Will I purchase again?

I already did! I'm now waiting for it to go on sale so I can buy again.


When using CPC+G Oil, do not expect to see result in just a few days. But by being patient and consistent, you will definitely see desirable result before you even use up your first bottle. Try it to find out if it'll work out for you the same way it did for me.

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