New Series: Quote of the Month

I love reading quotes. I even gather those I find meaningful and in which my life can relate and I would usually read them when I’m depressed or feeling emotional. Just recently, I came up with the idea of adding a “quote of the month” series to;
  1. improve my writing. Though my current job designation is content writer, I haven’t been writing much recently, spare for the curated article I need to produce once a month. My task nowadays is mainly email support so I feel like my brain is getting blunt from answering those common questions. I want to learn non-product review, non-travel and non-rant writing. LOL
  2. inspire others. I know there are others like me who turn to articles or other written media for strength and inspiration during the darkest times of their life. By sharing what I went through and how I got by, I am hoping that they, too, can overcome and get out of the hole they are currently into. Well, I won’t be writing my autobiography here but I’m eyeing to share life lessons other people may find useful.
  3. keep me grounded. I see this post as a sort of reflection. By reliving what I went through in life, I will be reminded of my humble beginnings and be grateful for what I have now.
I originally wanted it to be a weekly post but I am not sure if I can keep up with the frequency considering my workload, other articles for this blog and other activities of a sane person hence the monthly choice. I decided to post every last Sunday of the month so my first post will be on August 31. I still have lots of time to write! :D

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