Domain Dilemma

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This blog has been the outlet of my emotions for almost five years but even up to now, it is still residing at Big G’s. I know after all those years of welcoming me with arms wide open and understanding me when I’m MIA, this blog deserves a home of its own. I think I finally have the confidence to get a domain for Intricacy.

While I’m sure that I will be sticking to the niche I already have, I am stuck in domain name selection. I know this is a major decision and undos are not allowed so I must proceed with caution. I don’t wanna be stuck with a domain name I don’t really like.

I am excited for this to come into fruition but I want to take things slowly and think it over. If you have domain name suggestions for my lifestyle and beauty blog, please feel free to comment below. Thanks.


  1. Go, Cilay. I am supporting you all the way for a new domain. :)

  2. But but but... Any suggestion for domain name? I know you're the creative one here. LOL! Also, can you guide me when it comes to buying domain, hosting and other technical choo choo? haha!
